Specialty Profiles
Unique milling jobs require specialty profile tooling, and Micro 100 delivers. Its fully stocked specialty profile offering includes, among others, Drill / End Mills, Engraving Cutters, Keyseat Cutters, Dovetail Cutters, and Die Sink Cutters.

Undercutting End Mills
Micro 100's Undercutting End Mills, featuring a 220° spherical ball, are designed for undercutting, deburring, and multi-axis machining.
Drill / End Mills
Designed for chamfering, milling, and some spotting applications, Micro 100 Drill / End Mills are fully stocked in both 2 and 4 flute styles.
Chamfer Cutters
Stocked in both front and back chamfer styles, our offering of Chamfer Cutters includes multiple included angles and coating options.
Runner Cutters
Designed to mill 20° and 30° channels in molds, Micro 100's fully stocked offering of Runner Cutters are ground from solid carbide in the USA.
Engraving Cutters
Offered in both Tipped Off - Single Ended and Tipped Off - Double Ended styles, Micro 100 Engraving Cutters feature half round drill style geometry.
Keyseat Cutters
Micro 100 Keyseat Cutters feature a square profile, and cutter diameter sizes as small as .093, and are ground from solid carbide in the USA.
Corner Rounding End Mills
Offered fully stocked in single or doubleended styles, Micro 100 Corner Rounding End Mills are ground from solid carbide in the USA.